Maintaining a Balanced Lifestyle

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  • Post category:Lifestyle
  • Reading time:3 mins read

A healthy lifestyle consists of far more than what you eat and drink.

Living a balanced lifestyle takes courage and discipline, the goal is to be happy and enjoy life in all its forms, and make the most of your journey.

Eating the correct foods are vital to living your best life, to maintain energy levels, every person is unique and follows different dietary Plans, eat what works for you, invest in visiting a nutritionist for guidelines if you not sure about what to eat.

Physical exercise is key to a healthy lifestyle, you don’t have to visit the gym, you could opt for walking, dancing or enrolling in a class that promotes physical activity, when you align to something you enjoy, it becomes fun, and not a chore.

Mentally staying focused can be challenging with fears we develop along the way, anxiety can lead us to loose sight of what our goals are and what we truly enjoy. It’s important to be mindful of the programming we watch, from movies to series, avoid the violent films and movies that bring about anxiety and stress. Soapies can teach you the wrong behaviors as it’s filled with drama. This type of viewing has a negative impact on our thinking and inviting those experiences into your life.

Emotionally it’s important to set healthy boundaries with those we work with as well as loved ones, we tend to agree to taking on tasks and take on more than we can handle, it’s ok to learn to say no occasionally, as this can turn into a stressful situation, learn to trust your gut and if something doesn’t feel right, it’s absolutely alright to stay away from the situation or keep a distance.

Spiritually we all have different beliefs, it’s key to focus on being a good person, having an understanding that we are all human, we do make mistakes, Learn to be less hard on yourself, and connecting to who you really are, that is Love we are all Love.

Self care isn’t selfish as many may think it is, self care comes in various forms:

  • Spa day
  • Eating nourishing foods
  • Spending time in nature
  • Taking time to settle into a good book
  • Taking a day off to process
  • Taking up a hobby or class to learn a new skill
  • Mediation
  • Taking a long bath and just being in the moment
  • Spending time with those you love without distractions like phones and tv
  • A digital detox, taking a break from your phone, electronics.

How do you manage your health on all these levels? Would love to hear from you.